Saturday, May 28, 2011


Just like I read on the book "Why we buy" Men are from Home Depot, Women are from Bloomingdale’s. It is completely true, that is why I felt the need to write about how men shop. They are very important consumers that could easily spend more money than any women if it wasn't a fuzz to find exactly what you need in a department store. There are studies that show that 65% of male shoppers who tried something on bought it, as opposed to 25% of female shoppers.

"Guys are genetically disposed to be hunters, so they walk to the woods and are unsuccessful unless they can kill something reasonably quickly and drag it back home and through the mudroom". - Paco Underhill

A store that I could say that nailed it is UNIQLO in Tokyo, Japan. The designer, Gwenael Nicolas not only created a very inviting space, but he redefined the code of retail.

The windowless facade creates more fluidity between the public and retail space.

The lighting creates the feeling of being outside in the middle of the afternoon.

Everything is very easy to find, divided by colors and perfectly sized.

Men don't like asking for directions, they definitely shop the way they drive. They get the information from reading. That is why it is really important to have dressing rooms and registers perfectly located at a customer's reach or with great signage to show them the way.

Men don't really look at tags if they like something and they actually need they are going to buy it either way. 86% of women look at the price tag and 72% of men do. This is why I think it is necessary to also think like a men when designing retail stores for them. Especially nowadays where no one gets married at a young age, men have to learn to buy on their own. We shouldn't take them for fools.

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